Welcome to "Just Kiki Kidding!" Production Blog!

Welcome! Please READ FROM THE BOTTOM UP! So that many of the progress makes sense! First post "Day 1" is dated 21st April! Enjoy!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mrs Naidu's Videos are OUT!!

Hi all! The long awaited, adventures of Mrs Naidu videos are out!!
Here is a few clips for your enjoyment! so... ENJOY!

Introducing Mrs Naidu in "Just Kiki Kidding!"

Mrs Naidu stumbles on stage looking to "choo choo"

Mrs Naidu again, looking for his son. It's ARVIND'S SHOW!!
(This is where the ugly lady in yellow saree appears)

Meanwhile... Back in Mrs Naidu's lair... i mean house...


Finally.. THE AUDITION!!

See more video at my YouTube Channel!! http://www.youtube.com/KikiTay

More videos to come!! Look out for it!