Welcome to "Just Kiki Kidding!" Production Blog!

Welcome! Please READ FROM THE BOTTOM UP! So that many of the progress makes sense! First post "Day 1" is dated 21st April! Enjoy!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 24 - Extra Income!

Today I met up with my dear friend Daniel Tang from GateCrash. Daniel is an incredibly talented IT guy who develops multi-million-dollar software systems. He is also currently involved in some software research in NUS and he is going to be Dr. Daniel Tang after his made his contributions to the research. Great! I have this itch in my pants that wouldn’t go away, once he becomes Dr. Tang, I can get free consultation from him! Anyway, the reason I’ve met up with him is that I was hoping to get his help in developing this ERP idea that I had to reduce traffic flow to the toilet during intermission. My objective is like the government, it's PURELY to reduce traffic flow, not to make money… really. Anyway, the idea was to develop a “walk-in” ERP system that deducts money from the EZ-Link card rather than an IU, as I had spent some time to survey over 100 people to find out that most Singapore don’t carry their IU with them when they leave their vehicle. Anyway, Daniel told me that he will need information on the existing ERP gantry in order to develop our own, so somehow I have to figure out how it works. I’ll work on it tomorrow and will keep you guys updated on my progress! In the meantime, if you haven't get tickets for "Just Kiki Kidding!" do so now! Tickets are going fast!! Find out more here or choose your seats here! Also, do remember to top up your EZ-Link card before coming to the show...

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