Welcome to "Just Kiki Kidding!" Production Blog!

Welcome! Please READ FROM THE BOTTOM UP! So that many of the progress makes sense! First post "Day 1" is dated 21st April! Enjoy!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 22 - Miss Molena Afalangie!

As you know, I haven’t put up a blog entry for days and I have an excellent explanation for it; laziness. I find the need to start updating blog entries again because of some "write your blog or i beat you!" threats. Actually we had been working hard at rehearsals, just that nothing funny had happened as we are a bunch of serious, no-nonsense people who doesn’t joke around. Anyway, today we had our rehearsal in Mrs. Naidu’s house again, Mrs Naidu was not around as I heard she went for some pilgrimage in India. We had a visitor that came to our rehearsal. Miss Molena Afalangie. She is my distant relative. She stays in Tampinese and I stay in Clementi (Quite a distant) Anyway, she is my mom’s sister’s brother’s mom’s daughter (My Aunt). Miss Molena Afalangie is quite an entertainer herself as I heard from my mom that she won some performing competition and is some celebrity in some TV station. She had been living in Hong Kong for many years but came to reside in Singapore. My mom forced me to bring her around but I am busy with rehearsal so I got her to join me instead, after my rehearsal maybe I’ll bring her to see some of Singapore’s most famous monument like the Merlion and the ERP Gantries. Anyway, she’s got quite an adventure to share with us and I will tell you about it tomorrow... or maybe the day after. Or maybe next week. Sometimes I tend to procrastinate a bit. I’ll tell you about my procastination problems tomorrow… or the day after. Or maybe next week...

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